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Medium Capacity ECU

CD precision air handlers ensure maximum process stability and controlled point-of-process environments that support photo-resist coat, develop stations and other process modules requiring stringent temperature and humidity control.


  • Ramp to stabilization time of less than 20 minutes

  • Up to four independently controlled air outlets on a single machine

  • single pass or recirculating air flow

  • full CE mark certification

  • SEMI certification


Airflow Capacity

Temperature Control Performance

Control Temperature Range

Ambient Temperature Range

Maximum Rate of Change

Humidity Control Performance

Humidity Control Range

Ambient Humidity Range

Maximum Rate of Change

100 to 750 CFM

As low as +/- 0.05 degrees C

20 to 25 degrees C

18 to 25 degrees C

1 degree C per 3 minutes

+/- 0.5% RH

35% to 50% RH

30% to 60% RH

1.0% RH per 3 minutes

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