High Capacity ECU
RAM air handlers deliver precision-controlled airflow to large tool-specific mini-environments and enclosures. These high-performance units provide accurate, controlled airflow and are sized to compensate for potential pressure losses due to auxiliary chemical filtration or extended ductwork. Typical applications include photolithography tools and other large process equipment.
Airflow Capacity
Temperature Control Performance
Control Temperature Range
Ambient Temperature Range
Maximum Rate of Change
Humidity Control Performance
Humidity Control Range
Ambient Humidity Range
Maximum Rate of Change
Ramp to stabilization time
1000 to 4000 CFM
As low as +/- 0.05 degrees C
20 to 23 degrees C
Setpoint +/- 2.5 degrees C
1.0 degrees C per 3 minutes
+/- 0.5% RH
35% to 45% RH
Setpoint +/- 5% RH
1.0% RH per 3 minutes
<30 minutes
Ramp to stabilization time of less than 30 minutes
single pass or recirculating air flow
full CE mark certification
SEMI certification
Optional water-cooled option in lieu of direct expansion cooling